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Member detail

Starky’s Club s.r.o.


Starky’s Club s.r.o.
Strančická 1084/29
100 00  Praha 10

Phone number: 737 977 013
E-mail: michal.kourik@starkys.software
Web: www.starkys.software


We help companies simplify and automate key processes, with a special focus on financial automation. Our digital products are custom-developed to meet your specific needs, utilizing the latest technologies. We provide end-to-end solutions – from initial analysis and solution design to implementation and operation. During the initial analysis, we identify areas where automation can be implemented, reduce costs, and propose solutions with an optimal balance of price and performance, driving your business forward. We emphasize efficiency, transparent communication, and real added value – streamlining processes, increasing financial gains, or saving costs."

Economic indicators

Employees: 1
Turnover: 33,7 mil. CZK